Friday, April 6, 2012

Commuters' 10 Theses

This is directed toward my friends who dorm.

Commuters' Theses

1. I exist. Being a commuter does not mean I am dead, nor does it mean I am invisible.

2. If I am indeed your friend, you should reach out to me once in awhile. Not just when you need something from me (like a video edited or a paper proofread), but also because you want to say “hi” and ask how I'm doing. I acknowledge you, please do the same for me.

3. You cannot use the excuse that “I am never around.” I am not around because I don't dorm. If you want to meet with me, we can compare schedules.

4. Invite me whenever there's a party or a weekend outing. Even if you know I'll probably say “no,” the very fact that I've been invited will make me super happy. If you all go out together without inviting me, and I find out, I will be super sad. :(

5. If you see me, don't ignore me. If I always have to say “hello” first, surround myself with siren lights, or get out red flags to get you to see me walking directly towards you, that is a sign that either you have amnesia, you're blind, or you don't think I'm worth your greeting.

6. Don't invite me to Locke's. It costs me 9+ bucks for entry and I barely eat the food.

7. On the rare occasion that I am in your presence, don't ignore me. I hate awkward silences more than I hate stepping in dog poop. I also hate being the third wheel. And I hate your inside jokes which I never understand because I'm not around because I commute.

8. Don't complain to me about dorming. There is nothing I can do about it, and you're the one who somehow acquired the money to be able to dorm. To be able to get away from home. To be able to live in a building with a skamillion other people your own age. Lucky you, and aw, you poor thing, having to wash your own clothes and eat dining hall food must be a strenuous burden. But it's nothing compared to waking up before 6 AM and taking 3 buses with a bunch of angry Bronx people.

9. Don't gloat to me about the joys of dorming either. I get the point. You have it better than I do.

10. Once I start driving to campus (for senior year, finally, God-willing), I might stay later. Which means I may not leave campus until night time, which means I may want someone to accompany me to my car, preferably a male. Don't all jump at once.

I had to make it ten points. It's a compulsion.

I also know for certain that I am not the only commuter at our college who feels this way. I like talking to people who don't fit in because I know what it's like to be alone. That said, no one does the favor for me, save for a few.

And regarding point #2, yes, this has happened before in real life. One of my friends—not naming names—texted me last semester and asked if I could edit a video for him because he needed it for his sound mixing class. He didn't say hi, didn't ask how I was doing, and he hadn't talked to me in a LONG time...and yet, once he needed something from me, he suddenly remembered who I was.

Don't be that guy.

I love all of you, even those who dislike me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

And for gosh sakes, if you're a member of The MC Crew group I made on Facebook, please post once in awhile! The whole point of that group was so that we could share links and talk to each other in a general forum.

Case closed.

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